In a previous episode, we saw the beautiful potential of dye-sub printing onto GreenStar Clear Adhesive Vinyl for decorations behind or under glass.
In this episode, we’re looking for a few good entrepreneurs for our sublimation shark tank. We’ll even provide the idea.
This video shows you all the steps, and details all the materials and equipment you’ll need (click here for the bundle available now!), for the process of printing vinyl menus to be placed under glass or on outward-facing windows.
The benefit of sublimation-printed vinyl menus?
They’re indestructible. They’re covered by glass. They look great. Watch the video and look at the pictures. They’re cheap-we did the math and one menu costs 40 cents. You can put games on it and draw on them, then erase it away. It’s easily removable without residue. You can change them out every week with new menu items, at a fraction of the cost of printing a new batch of traditional paper menus.
There’s the pitch. It’s your move now.