Get to know your staff! These people are here every day, 9-5 (actual hours may slightly vary), to make sure you are getting the service and support that you deserve.
We took a moment to ask our sales manager, Peter Robinson, a few questions. Peter brings a very interesting perspective to USCutter, in that he used to be one of our customers himself!
USCutter: Peter, you were a USCutter customer way before you were ever an employee. Tell us about that customer experience.
Peter: I was a customer of USCutter for many years before coming to work here. I owned and operated my own local sign shop, and it was great having a sales team that I could reach by email very quickly. Having a storefront, I didn’t have time to be on the phone or waiting on hold so it was great to have the ability to communicate with my source for media electronically, and affordable ground shipping that would arrive within just a few days even if shipped from the Memphis warehouse.
USCutter: What made you decide to work at USCutter? How has your industry background been an asset to our business?
Peter: USCutter was looking for salespeople, and with the great experience I’d had in my dealings with them over the years, the decision to jump at the opportunity to work for such a great company was easy. My many years in the digital print segment of the industry was and has been a huge help to the company. I’m able to contribute to business decisions and product direction that keep the USCutter catalog at the leading edge of the industry, as well as aiding in training and knowledge for the rest of the sales and customer service teams. My hope is that my experience translates into a better customer experience, having been one myself.
USCutter: What direction do you see us going in as a company? What can we do to improve value and service for our customers?
Peter: USCutter is still a young company, and still finding its way. This is very exciting to me because USCutter has always found that “next best thing” and I want to be part of a team that can bring those products to market, and watch our customers succeed because of what we can offer them. I was attending an ISS show in Long Beach a couple of years ago and sat in on a seminar I can’t even remember the name of. The speaker was talking about value of your brand to the customer, and its relationship to price. One of the most profound things I think that we lose sight of sometimes is always trying to compete on price. We don’t have to be the lowest price on the web for the supplies we offer. We need to be the best value to our customers. Superior service and support will naturally weed out the customers that wouldn’t be with us long term and are only price driven.
USCutter: Mucho thanko for your time, Peter.
Peter: It’s been my very great pleasure.